Yesterday, 11 September 2011 I attended an opened house invited by my student, Ira (I called her Intan, but she called herself ira, so do her friends). The picture above depicted the guests and the hosts for the opened house (most of them are the hosts, except the guys and two other girls and me).
My first dishes was the meehun soup. Nice and delicious blended ingredients. Taste so delightful. I ate one bowl, intended to add some more but, has to reserve my stomach to other food too. I asked them whether they catered the food or home made, and surprisingly they prepared them all by themselve. Linda acted as the chief cook. Hmm not bad at all. Although busy completing their assignments they still can cooked good and delicious food for the opened house. Later I tried several raya biscuits and taste so good too. Finally I grabbed one fried popiah. Hmm, soft and sweet savory taste really made me wanted to take some more. Later when I wanted to go back, they packed and go for me the delicious and savory popiah. Thank you girls for the invitation (please don't hesitate to invite me next time, he he!). Today I met one of them(I called her penglipur lara (how she got the name, I'll reveal later, in other post) and asked for the recipe for the popiah gravy. The gravy they made is really tasty, mouth watering and I like it very much. So here I revealed the secret for the gravy preparation.
1. Dried Chilly
2. Manisan (brown sugar)
3. Salt
4. Sugar
5. water
(Blended ingredients number 1 to 5 together, boiled till it thick)
6. Sesame (fry it first)
7. Corn Flour (a teaspoon will do)
Finally add ingredients number 6 and 7).
Delicious and tasteful gravy for popiah and keropok lekor is accomplished. Do try this at home without harm!....
buAT lah untuk kami pUan heheh
Ha-ha Reyz, saya pun makan yang student saya buat. memang sedap ni reyz. Resipi ni pun saya tanya depa macam mana nak buat. Tapi sedapnya hingga menjilat jari lah.
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