Monday, July 25, 2011

Read, read and read

This morning I attended a presentation by the practical student from uitm, Loqman and Hamdi. Actually there were presenting a system called e-sismi. Actually this system has been developed previously by our polytech (polimas) Hafiz, Firdaus and Ahtar. The system they presented is actually a revised to the old system and enhancing some of the utilities. ehm, again that's not the main point thing to tell here. It's just a started of my next paragraph telling.

After the presentation me and the panels(sort of), our timbalan Tn. Hj. Hashim, krie (our KUKP), Mahanee the system user, and both En. Faisal and Tn. Hj. Azizan (a.k.a) the supervisor for both of the trainees there were invited to join a small invitation (tea break - but it turn out to be lunch!!... lots of durians etc) in the library. And again this is not the thing i wanna share here.

Okay the purpose of this writing is to mentioned that accidently i found a good book in the library (of course it is a good book coz it has been one of the top seller book. Don't have to mentioned, most of you must have read this book by Dr David J. Schwartz titled "The magic of thinking big". I started browsing the front cover and the back cover, nothing enchanted me, but yet as i slipped through the first four pages, i begun to like it. The words, the sentences is so simple and easy to understand. So i decided to borrow the book.

And since it happened so, i promise myself i'll keep posting the review of the book, phase by phase to be shared among those who are interested.

Gotta go first, need to perform my zohor sholat, and later attending a function in the Dewan Zaaba. Actually the function is for "The Majlis Persaraan Pn. Hajah Nor'aini", a very senior lecturer here in IPG KDA.

to be continued.

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